Oxium Demo CSSIgniter : Music Band WordPress Theme

Oxium is a premium music WordPress theme for 2016 by CSSIgniter. This theme covers wide range of features to create website for Band, Singers, DJs, Musicians and Concert organizers. The theme can easily involve your visitors to browse all important contents from homepage.

Hence, they will need small time to check our latest contents like : events, latest albums, team profile and more. If you need a music template that provides music track listing, audio player and ready content listing options then it is here.

Pinmaister Theme : CSSIgniter

Oxium Review by CSSIgniter - Music Band theme for WordPress

Oxium CSSIgniter Music Theme : Homepage Features

Custom Front-Page : A website is all about content presentation and conversion. That’s why developers have provided many flexible options to help you implement and present contents in proper way. Just access demo and see what is displayed on front-page and header area. You will find information and navigation links around homepage.

The header shows logo on the top left and menu links on the left side in vertical mode. So user can access all your page links in order to browse blog page, albums, events and more. The header bar let’s you put custom menu links as well as social media profile links.

Oxium Content Widgets

The menu-bar switch to the top of the page when you access it from small screen devices like smart phones or other devices.

Oscillator Theme : CSSIgniter Music Theme

We love this type of homepage which offers drag and drop method to arrange content sections. The Oxium WordPress theme demo is developed with CSSIgniter Content Widgets. You just have to place widgets in desired order and define your preference like Title, Total posts or contents to show up. The homepage shows Latest Discography, Events, Latest Galleries, Latest Videos, Latest Posts and Slider on the top.

Oxium Homepage Demo - Music theme

Though you can also follow your own idea and develop homepage to show-off only those stuff that you like. The slider widget enables you to add multiple slides with Image, Link, Title etc. We love the way it loads contents and all pages. It shows you a smooth loading speed which takes no more than one moment to access posts and pages.

Custom Pages :

Page Templates : The back-end page editor shows a list of ready page attributes. So administrator just have to click on “Add New” Page and choose right attribute to add Event, Team or other pages. Moreover, you will see set of custom options below page editor which helps you to setup your pages. Hence, you can define number of columns, number of items shown at once. Oxium music theme let’s you choose “Base Category” for each listing page. So you are just going to Assign and Choose one category to mange contents on each page.

Discography Release - Oxium Theme

Each page let’s you choose 2 columns, 3 columns or 4 columns layout. When you choose multiple columns then user will see multiple contents using featured image and bold font style. Over all, we liked the design of homepage, content pages and blog template. The blog page is available there to help you spread out news and updates.

You can also show-off latest news from blog section in featured style. So visitors can see what is happening around you ans also get details about next concert or album release.

Bookings Contact Page - Oxium

Content Listing : Features

When you start a band or music website then you have to create separate pages to share all the contents in clear way. As i just told you that CSSIgniter Oxium provides page attributes list and content widget for homepage. In addition, you are getting custom listing options for Event, Gallery, Video Artist, Discography etc. Hence, you just have to choose right content options and click “Add” button insert events, singers profile detail or albums.

Events - Oxium

The events page let’s you share program details like schedule, venue, ticket links, and more. Same way, you are getting track listing options to display tracks list on Albums or Singers page. The Team profile page let’s you add name, title (designation), skills, tracks and other details for each members. Same way, you can add photo gallery and videos in media listing pages.

Whether you are a professional singer, or junior artist or famous band. This CSSIgniter music WordPress theme is surely going to be big change for revolution for your online presence.

CSSIgniter Oxium Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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