Amadeus Pro by ThemeIsle : WordPress Blogging Theme

Amadeus Pro is a highly minimal and simplistic WordPress blogging theme from ThemeIsle. Though it does look simple from demo presentation but it still includes great features. Hence, bloggers and novice authors out there can easily start their journal website. The theme offers custom options so that you can optimize layout, style and navigation system. It just ask you to make choice from ready options and nothing much.

Amadeus Pro Screenshot - Blogging Theme by ThemeIsle

No coding skill or web development experience is required. This WordPress theme has been rated as the top solution for people who needs a content portal to share stories, tips and experience. I suggest viewing demo and product page to get more idea while reading this review.

Plumbelt PRO Review – ThemeIsle

Amadeus Pro ThemeIsle : Features Overview

Modern Design: When you adapt to simple layout then you automatically boost loading speed as well as readability. With these features are already offered in default mode, you can easily create a blog that is focused over contents. If you check-out demo then it shows slider, featured post entries, sidebar widgets, footer widgets and more. All these elements are a part of modern web design concept.

We have seen many simple blog templates but they always fail to impress visitors when it comes to typography and style optimization. This theme gives you many choices to edit typography, color and background style. This type of design is very populate among those affiliate marketers and bloggers who wants to use banners and monetization methods.

Oblique Pro Review : ThemeIsle

Alternative Homepage Layout - Amadeus Pro

Responsive Design : Let visitors fly smoothly on your website from one page to another. The modern adaptive layout can adjust to small mobile and tablet screen easily. You don’t need to buy special plugins to make your site work on handy instruments. Amadeus Pro WordPress theme is powered by new responsive design concept which takes care of all screen types.

So visitors can get equal experience over different devices and web browser programs. When you view stories from small screens then you will find that slider, menu bar, and entire screen adapt to destination view port. Moreover, you find other benefits like Clean coding, SEO optimized layout, and Fastest page load speed. These are the bonus features which is important to get lots of organic visitors on your website.

Responsive Design Preview - Amadeus Pro ThemeIsle

ThemeIsle Blog Theme : Other Features

Slideshow : You can now add a gorgeous image slider on homepage. Amadeus Pro has built-in slider which gives you support to promote important contents in appealing way. As slider let’s you use image as primary focus, yo can easily get visitors attention. With each slide, administrator can add image, caption and URL to link on source page. The slider allows you to set transition speed for auto sliding and also provides navigation buttons for manual transition.

Homepage Layout : Don’t just be limited by single list view layout that is mostly provided with all WordPress blogging themes. ThemeIsle developers has included simple list view layout as well as one extra grid layout. So if you select alternate grid style then you can display latest posts using 2 columns. Each post entry will be shown using cool featured style supported by Excerpt and Read more link.

Header and Menu Options - Amadeus Pro ThemeIsle

Header : The entire header is divided into total 4 main categories so you can use them all to manage entire header. You can choose Banner type header to insert ad banner to get extra revenue. Using Site branding style you can add custom logo, title, tag-line etc.

The 3rd element is Menu which offers 2 options to display your navigation menus. You can display menu links and social media profile links on header. If you want to optimize blog with unique style then you can add custom header image that is visible on header for entire site.

Header Menu and Social links

Conclusion Words :

Amadeus also provides free version but if you choose Pro version then you can get many options. For e.g. Footer credits, Extra widget area, Extra color options, Alternative layout options, Typography options and more. It also gives you special blog options to define custom excerpt length, Font style for heading/body, Background image/color style etc.

The sidebar section provides space to add custom widgets to display search box, recent posts, recent comments, banners, archives etc. We love this premium WordPress blogging theme for it’s simple user friendly options. If we draw attention on other side then it has footer widgets, back to top buttons and in-post navigation options.

Customizer Options - Amadeus Pro

This WordPress blog theme offers visual setup tutorial, product support, and many other benefits. So fresh bloggers and professional bloggers both can take equal benefit without requiring special skills.

ThemeIsle – Amadeus Pro Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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